Side shot man sitting hands on head.

I’m Tired and Exhausted – How About You?

This year has been overwhelming. As someone who is inherently empathetic, this overwhelming feeling has intensified to the point that I am both mentally and physically exhausted. I do not bring this up as a way to throw a pity party for myself. I share it to show that if you feel the same way as myself; you are not alone. I am right there by your side.

I Am A ‘People Pleaser’

Helping others has always been something I strive to do in every situation. It means a lot to me when I can help a friend, family member, or stranger.

I am sure you have heard of the term “people pleaser,” right? It used to be extremely difficult for me to utter the word “no” to anyone needing anything. I have learned since then that I cannot be there for every single person all the time. I wish I could, though.

How I am feeling presently, I am not overwhelmed by saying yes all the time, but by the state of the world. It hurts my heart to see the daily example of people disregarding the lives of their fellow human beings. In a culture that is so self-absorbed, I guess it really should not surprise me.

Especially on social media, I have seen the hateful words people use to lash out at others. How can someone say such hurtful and hateful things, yet represent themselves as the complete opposite?

Exhaustion and My Mental Health

Feeling so tired, exhausted, and fatigued all the time has impacted my mental health. I continue to manage my bipolar disorder by following my treatment. I have always done that and will continue to do so.

Tweaking My Medication

To reduce the exhausted feeling I have had, my doctor changed one of my medications. She monitored me during the transition, and my body reacted the way I thought it would. My mood started to dip, and my anxiety increased.

To combat my mood instability and anxiety, my doctor upped another medication I have been taking. It took a couple of weeks, but everything worked, and I feel so much better in terms of my functionality and my current threshold to deal with stress.

As a side note, I rarely like to mention the actual names of medications. I do not want to influence your opinion about a med based on my experience. Since every person is not the same, each person will react to medication differently. I may take a med that completely knocks me out, but you could take the same med and it might amp you up to where you cannot sleep.

Extra Ways to Cope When Feeling Exhausted

Some ways I have learned to cope with these uneasy feelings is to allow myself to feel the emotions. Instead of trying to push the emotions aside, I invest my time in strategies that will be the most helpful. After all, when you feel exhausted and have a lack of energy, the last thing you want to do is something extra.

The following strategies I already use in my treatment plan, but by focusing on them more presently, I have found a greater ability to cope.

1. Talk Your Feelings Out

If you chat with a therapist regularly, that is fantastic. The reality, though, is that even if you see a therapist, you cannot talk with them all the time. I have found that taking extra time to chat with my loved ones and even opening up more on social media has been beneficial.

If you do not feel comfortable doing that, write in a journal. Writing in a journal is just as effective. You do not get immediate feedback, but you can get all those thoughts down on paper. It is an extremely therapeutic process.

2. Get Active

Notice how I do not mention “exercise”. When I say get active, I mean simply just get moving. I enjoy walking, lifting weights, and getting outside for a bike ride.

If anxiety gets the most out of you, go for a walk to release some of that extra energy. Your anxiety may not present that way, so make sure you do what is right for you.

3. Rest

Here, for example, I mean resting outside by sitting on a bench watching birds. Watching a movie is another one. Just make sure that you do not lump sleep in the rest category. Your sleep hygiene is a completely separate topic. 

Getting some downtime and rest may be exactly what you need to recharge.

4. Cold Shower

Recently, I have been experimenting with the use of cold showers. It has been quite helpful. Taking a cold shower invigorates me by shocking my system into action. It gives me energy and wakes me up. 

I make the water as cold as I can, to the point I can barely handle it. Then, I do my best to stay in the stream of cold water for as long as I can. You can also try an ice bath. I am working up to that.

Have you tried taking a cold shower in the morning? It is guaranteed to wake you up.

Last Thoughts About Exhaustion

For me, it is extremely frustrating to have no energy and to feel utterly exhausted. So many variables impact our energy level. From my experience, getting my bipolar disorder under control has helped me tremendously.

Sometimes, though, outside forces out of our control can affect us more than we realize. In cases like these especially, it is important to focus on what we can control. This is how you can empower yourself by living with bipolar disorder.

I made a handful of suggestions in this article that I hope you will try.

Comment below on any way you are handling your tiredness and exhaustion.

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